Rebecca Talks to Lee Harris on "Impact the World"
Watch Rebecca in a deep and soulful conversation with Lee Harris on his show Impact the World. They cover a variety of topics -- finding...
Rebecca Talks to Lee Harris on "Impact the World"
Rebecca Talks to Ray Carr
Rebecca Talks to "Own Your Truth Podcast"
'A Sister's Call' Gets a Gift from Viewer
A Beautiful Story about the Dog and a Dolphin
The Light in His Soul Kindle Sale
Beyond Awareness
Pete Earley Recommends THE LIGHT IN HIS SOUL
Maria Shriver Features Rebecca as The Spirit of the Season Begins
"Stories of Hope" Features Rebecca Schaper
Rebecca Talks with Health Media Now
Rebecca Talks to Deborah Kobylt Live about "Light in His Soul"
Rebecca Talks to the Kathy Kaehler Live Show
The Light in His Soul Receives 5-Star Review
Rebecca Talks to CoreBrain Journal
Rebecca Talks to the Douglas Coleman Show